At the beginning of the year, I set a goal for myself – I wouldn’t start any NEW projects until I completed some of the many WIPs or Designated Projects on my “to do” list. The other part of this goal was that I wouldn’t buy any new fabric until I had used up quite a bit of what was already in my stash.
I am a failure.
I say that with complete, unabashed humor.
It all seemed like a great idea, since many of the WIPs and stash fabric pieces went together – I would be killing two birds with one stone. Then we, and I am justified in saying ‘we’, I’ll explain in a moment, hit a speed bump. Our little county has a classified page on Facebook, and Todd, being the awesome guy he is, saw a posting for a HUGE lot of fabric (that included tons of knits) and gobbled it up. Now don’t get me wrong, I am so lucky to have a guy who watches for stuff like this to surprise me, but it totally blew my goal for the year out of the water before the first two months were even over! 😉 I did eventually get that huge bundle sorted, classified, and stored with the rest of my stash, and that helped me get back on track for finishing current WIPs.
Then I went shopping on President’s Day with my daughters.
JoAnn Fabrics will be the death of me.
You see, we had to stop there to get a couple things for My Fair Lady, and I just happened to walk by the rack of beautiful suede upholstery fabric. It was more than 60% off with the sale and several coupons I had. It is the specific fabric I use to make parts of my LARP costumes, and I neeeeeeeeeeded more to finish the costume pieces I want to add to my ensemble this year. The fabric I bought was originally nearly $20/yard, and I got it for just over $3/yard, and I was able to get enough to do both the tunic and cloak I wanted to add. In addition, one of my Try Something New Every Month projects is hand beading and embellishing, so I purchased some matching seed beads and other pretty glass beads, and I am going to attempt to do some simple beading on this tunic and cloak.
JoAnn Fabrics, you ruin everthing!
Fast forward a couple weeks. I saw a pattern testing call in one of the groups I belong to on Facebook, and so I answered it.
Then I was accepted.
I had another new project to sew.
This time, I can’t talk specifically about what I am making because the pattern is still in testing, and it hasn’t been released yet. It actually doesn’t even have an “official” name yet. I will say this – when I do get to reveal this pattern, you are going to want to snatch it up! It is amazing, and seriously one of the easiest things I’ve ever sewn for myself.
Even though I can’t tell you about the item itself, I can show you the fabric I’m using. From left to right, they are: Art Gallery Enchanted Leaves Air Knit, Riley Blake Four Corners Main Knit – Teal, and Art Gallery Gust of Leaves Silver Knit. I got them all through Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop – I love buying from her because even though it’s an online sale, she lives locally, and I love supporting local businesses.
Even though I added another project to my list by accepting the pattern testing, it has served a good purpose – I have been able to use a whole bunch of the knit yardage Todd found for me, and I have reduced my stash considerably. To that end, I am very happy.
How about you, can you resist the “add to the stash” urge, or does your willpower crumble like mine?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
Don’t feel bad– im in the same boat! Trying and trying to finish projects before starting a new one. haven’t bought any new fabric, but there is a box of gifted fabric in my car trunk, I’m waiting for just the right moment to see my “surprise”!