When we lived in Irrigon, Harley loved to play softball – it was her favorite sport. Unfortunately, though, she didn’t continue playing once we moved to Cove. Cove combines with Union for softball, and they are called the LadyCats. This year, Harley decided she wanted to play high school softball. I have to admit I wasn’t very excited about it. I was hoping she would decide to play golf or go out for track. That is, until today, her first game. Today was their season opener against Echo-Stanfield, and both the JV and Varsity teams won by mercy rule after the fifth inning.
There were two very important things I had forgotten about Harley playing softball. The first is her love and excitement for the game. With the exception of the brief moments after getting tagged with a foul ball while playing catcher, the grin never left her face. She was back in her element. The second thing I had forgotten was just how much I love watching her play. For some reason, watching my Harley-Bug play softball is exhilarating and fun. After my initial disappointment about her playing, I can happily say I was so wrong, this is the sport she belongs in!
First at bat.
Stealing Second. She’s Safe!
Playing catcher. She did great!
Monday and Tuesday next week, she will actually be back in Irrigon playing in a tournament against many 0f the girls she used to play with. I can’t wait to watch the rest of the season!
Awesome job today, Bug, I am proud of you!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”