The first day of school for our girlies was yesterday, and they all had a great day! We delivered Harley, Katelyn, and Reagan to AC Houghton Elementary, and we really had to try hard to rein them in to stay with us on the way to their classrooms instead of running off with all their friends.
We stopped at the bell out front to get a picture of all three of them together, and they weren’t very happy with me, “Mom, this is so embarrassing!”. I just told them it was a mom’s priveledge to be able to take these pictures and save these memories.
The first classroom we came to was Katelyn’s. Katelyn has Mr. Carson this year. He was first hired at AC Houghton by Aaron’s dad, Mick, 30 years ago (exactly – he received his 30-year pin this year at our District-Wide Inservice). Mr. Carson was also Aaron’s Fourth Grade teacher. Aaron & Katelyn (all of us, actually) think it’s pretty neat that they have/had the same teacher. Katelyn is in a class with a lot of her friends, and she’s very happy about that.
The next stop of the morning was at Miss Hodgdon’s classroom to drop off Harley. Miss Hodgdon plays the piano for the music programs, so we’ve met her many times. Last week, when the teacher lists came out, Harley was pretty nervous to be in a class with a teacher she didn’t know very well, but by hte time we got to school yesterday morning, she was excstatic! She has some great friends in her classroom, as well, and she’s excited to be old enough to runfor Student Body Office.
Finally, it was Reagan’s turn to go to her classroom. We headed down a different hallway, and after a short stop to run in and give her Kindergargten teacher a hug (she really loved Mrs. Wright), we moved on down the hall to Mrs. Stocker’s room. Mrs. Stocker is WONDERFUL, and she was Harley’s First Grade teacher, too. We felt that Reagan’s energy and personality would be a great fit for Mrs. Stocker’s teaching style – she is gentle, but strict. Reagan was a little disappointed to not be in the same class as either of her “best friends”, Emma & Bradley. Actually, all three of them are in different classes. Tonight she told me that they’ll just miss each other lots during class, and then they’ll stick together like glue at recess. When I took the picture of Reagan by herself, Mrs. Stocker said, “Well now, I get a picture too!” Reagan LOVED that, and it was the first picture she asked to see when we got home from school last night.
Staci sent me pictures of Miss Em on her first day. Thankfully, for me, they don’t bring on a waterfall of tears and emotion, just wonder and delight at this beautiful young woman. Staci said that as they dropped Emma off at school and she walked inside, her little sister, Shayna said, “Mama, I’m so proud of our big girl.” Pretty funny from an 8-year-old, I thought. Emma’s playing volleyball again this year, and they’ve been practicing after school, so she’s pretty tired. Emma had a great day at school, and though I’m not sure that she’s completely excited about it, I know she had a good time seeing all her friends and getting back into the social scene.
My first day at work with students went VERY fast! The office was a complete zoo until nearly 11:00 a.m., and the end of the day came so quickly, we were all kind of taken aback. The three of us in the office are fiinally starting to feel like we might be finding the bottoms of the piles, but it’s sure taking us a while. We will make it, it’s just going to take patience.
I hope everyone has had a great first week or two at school, and may your year be blessed!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”