Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe, which is fearlessly led by Angelica (Gardening in High Heels) and Katy (Wild and Wanderful). We e-hangout every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the past week of life in our worlds.
This week’s themes: Discussing, Leading, Printing, Photographing, Volunteering
I’m not sure why I fell off the Sunday Lately wagon, but I have missed participating. It helped me recognize things I was accomplishing or doing that weren’t related to my actual “to-do” list.
My “day job” is a Design & Marketing position at a local manufacturing company. I do a lot of everything – web site maintenance, advertising, marketing, graphic design, etc. We have started working on our 2018 Marketing Plan, and, as such, it has been in the front of my brain and top discussion subject lately. Additionally, the house projects have been the main topic of discussion at home. I’m ready for a change of topic on both fronts. 😉 LOL
Over the summer, I have talked a lot about home improvement projects we’ve been working on. We are re-building our shed that is falling apart, adding a deck, and replacing siding and repainting our house. I have taken the reins of the house painting project so Todd is able to concentrate on getting the shed finished. We are finally at the final stages of prepping and we are painting! Woo hoo! The end is in site!
These are the “before” images. I can’t wait to share the “after” pictures!
The biggest job is done! Phew! Now, we just need to paint the white trim and the sunflower yellow door!
So. Many. Patterns. I am in the middle of one pattern pre-test and three pattern tests. As a result, over the past week, I have printed several hundred pages of pattern pieces. I do tend to leave the directions as electronic versions so I’m not killing too many trees, though. The patterns I’m testing are all pretty amazing, though, and I can’t wait to share them!
Lately, I’ve been photographing a lot of sewing projects, but I have the opportunity to participate in an art show in November, so I am setting aside some time for some “me” fun photography – nature and landscapes.
With as busy as we have been working on the house, I haven’t really had much time to volunteer for anything. However, now that we are moving into winter, I am hoping to volunteer working on costumes at the Opera House where Reagan performs.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”