Welcome to To Do Tuesday June 27!
Christine at Stitch ALL The Things hosts To Do Tuesday. TDT is a great weekly motivator to finish projects and (for me) to keep my To Do List manageable.
My list from June 20:
1. Leyla Jeyne Patterns Summer Collection Blog Tour
2. Sew Americana Blog Tour
3. Dress Up This Town Blog Tour
4. Christmas in July Blog Tour
5. Dresses for Emma
I love summer because I love warm weather! It seems like it has taken forever, but we finally have heat in Eastern Oregon! We had a productive week working on the house, and we celebrated Todd’s dad’s 70th birthday. I made a lot of progress on my projects, as well!
1. Leyla Jeyne Patterns Summer Collection Blog Tour
Done, done, and done! Laela Jeyne Patterns is releasing a brand-new summer collection that includes patterns for women and girls! I was selected to sew and share the Dahlia Tank Top for the pattern release Blog Tour, and I am thrilled with the three tanks I made. If you are interested, you can read all about them in my Summer Collection Blog Tour Post.
2. Sew Americana Blog Tour
This project is finished, as well, though the blog post doesn’t go live until tomorrow. I had a great time making some Americana lovelies for our entire family. It was the perfect excuse to have some family pictures taken – it’s been nearly two years! I will add the link to the SewAmericana post when it goes live. For now, here is a picture of all of us in our goodies.
3. Dress Up This Town Blog Tour
I didn’t make any progress on this project because I was concentrating on the last two; however, our dinner is coming up soon, so I am making it my new priority. Our dinner is right before this blog tour, and the timing couldn’t be more perfect! I am making a Patterns for Pirates Timeless Tunic, and I am using this gorgeous Rayon Challis.
5. Christmas in July Blog Tour
I have the fabric set aside, and I know what I am making for this tour. I will get started on it as soon as I finish the Sew Americana and Dress Up this town Tour items.
5. Dresses for Emma
Emma has chosen the fabric she wants me to use, and I will get these cut out and sewn some time this week (crossing my fingers).
My to-do list for this week:
1. Dress Up This Town Blog Tour
2. Christmas in July Blog Tour
3. Dresses for Emma
What are you working on?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
WOW! You did a lot of sewing in one week! Love the Americana photo. How fun for everyone to get new clothes and a family photo. I’m off to read your Laela Jeyne post now!
It’s kind of funny, actually, I didn’t get to sew much at all until Friday, but I had everything cut out. Friday and Saturday were a couple marathon sewing days for me!