Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe, which is fearlessly led by Angelica (Gardening in High Heels) and Katy (Wild and Wanderful). We e-hangout every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the past week of life in our worlds.
This week’s themes: Laughing, Suggesting, Reminding, Embracing, Creating
At the great personalities and laughs of these two goofballs. Harley’s Senior Prom, and Reagan’s Freshman Prom. They kind of like each other. <3
Midsomer Murders on Netflix. If you’re looking for something to watch. I will be honest – my family hates it. I love it! It is pretty “campy”, a bit predictable, and is similar to other British crime series’ I’ve watched, like Poiroit and Agatha Christie. I like it because it is a long series (something like 19 seasons), and I can put it on while I’m sewing and not get distracted from either activity.
Reagan is on the verge of getting crazy busy again, and she has a few things around the house she needs to get done and/or get on top of (a-hem . . . bedroom and laundry). I am reminding Todd, Reagan, and myself of her time constraints. She is participating in our local Opera House’s Summer Stock program, which involves three week-long camps and three plays that run simultaneously spaced throughout the summer. Reagan is running lights for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, chorus member of Wizard of Oz, and she has been cast as “Betty” in Catch Me if You Can. This photo is from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat that Reagan was in this winter.
Contrary to reminding myself to slow down to allow myself to heal, I am embracing the down time forced by recovery. Typically, I am a “go, go, go” person, and I don’t take a lot of time to relax. Recovery has forced me to do that, and I am embracing and learning to enjoy it.
NINE dresses for Harley’s senior class girls for their May Day Celebration court. I cut out the girls’s dresses, and they are ready to sew. The girls chose four different patterns, and I am making them assembly line style by pattern. As a throwback, I recently ran across this picture of my senior class (Can anyone guess the year by the hair and clothing?) at our May Day Celebration. I am the fourth from the right. 🙂

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”