Welcome to To Do Tuesday February 7!
Christine at Stitch ALL The Things hosts To Do Tuesday. TDT is a great weekly motivator to finish projects and (for me) to keep my To Do List manageable. Unfortunately, I have been so busy the past month (month? really?) that I have not had time to even keep up on my To Do Tuesday posts. That all ends now! 😀
My list from January 10:
1. Work on the Maggie Sew-A-Long
2. Start piecing jean quilt
3. Write 2016 Wrap-Up/2017 Goals Post
So, let’s see what progress I made!
Phew, it’s been a busy week month! We are still experiencing some crazy winter weather conditions, and although we had a couple of 40˚ days over the weekend, we still have a ton of snow. We have another storm hitting us now that will last through the rest of the week. I have been sewing and working on projects like crazy, but I have not had the time to do much with my finishes.
1. Work on the Maggie Sew-A-Long
The Maggie Sew-A-Long is finished! I used the Maggie Top, Tunic, and Dress pattern from Bella Sunshine Designs and hosted a sew-a-long on the Sewing Pattern Testers Blog. Here are the links to all the posts:
2. Post 2 – Pattern Preparation, Preparing Fabric, and Choosing Your Size
3. Post 3 – Shoulder Seams & Sleeves
4. Post 4 – Side Seams and Neckband
This is a small sample of some of the versions I made during the sew-a-long, and I have more to share later. Later this week, I am posting the articles about my fabric sponsors for the Maggie Sew-A-Long. I will be sharing those here, as well.
2. Start Piecing Jean Quilt
Unfortunately, this project has been put on the back burner for higher priorities. I still have all the blocks out, ready to be pieced, but I have not had time yet.
3. Write 2016 Wrap-Up/2017 Goals Post
I have not written my 2016 Wrap-Up/2017 Goals Post yet because I was still concentrating on the Maggie Sew-A-Long, and I began working on a higher priority project. This is still on my list, and I would like to get it done this week, if I can. I am not going to pressure myself to get it finished, though.
My New Project
Three and a half years ago I injured my knee and was on crutches/immobilized for three months. Unfortunately, a portion of that injury has never healed, and it has gotten worse. I found out a couple weeks ago that in order to correct the problems I’m having (my knee frequently partially dislocates and gets stuck), I need to have reconstructive surgery. The result of the surgery will be no to partial weight bearing for six to eight weeks and an immobilizer brace for six to eight months. Shorts aren’t really practical apparel in Eastern Oregon in March, though, so through conversations I have had with friends who have had similar surgeries, I have come to the conclusion that once my staples and/or stitches are removed leggings will be my new best friend.
So, for the past three weeks, I’ve been working on a capsule wardrobe of sorts. In addition to the Maggie Sew-A-Long (all those tunics are going to be über useful!), I have been making Patterns for Pirates Peg Leg Leggings, and creating a wardrobe I will enjoy wearing with a big, hulky knee brace for months. Or at least until I can wear shorts.
My To Do List is much smaller, smarter, and way less stressful these days!
1. Finish Tunic & Legging Capsule Wardrobe and take pictures
2. Start piecing jean quilt
3. Write 2016 Wrap-Up/2017 Goals Post
What are you working on this week?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
Hope your surgery goes well and the capsule wardrobe fits the bill.
Thank you so much, I think it will be perfect. It will be nice, at least, to have a barrier between my skin and the immobilizer.
Love the Maggie tops! I am still looking forward to being able to sew my top one of these days. I’m sorry to hear of the injury, and I hope the upcoming surgery goes well and you heal quickly.
Thank you. I feel like a broken record, but the Maggie tops really are super comfortable and easy to sew!
Oh, and thank you for the well wishes for surgery! I am sure it will be great, and eventually I will be able to do all the things I can’t right now. I am looking forward to being active again!