Welcome to To Do Tuesday February 28!
Christine at Stitch ALL The Things hosts To Do Tuesday. TDT is a great weekly motivator to finish projects and (for me) to keep my To Do List manageable.
My list from February 21:
1. Finish Tunic & Legging Capsule Wardrobe and take pictures
2. Finish Top & Tunic Testing and write review post
3. Clean Up Sewing Stuff & Put Sewing Cabinet Away
Dun . . . dun . . . dun . . .
We are T-minus 24 hours until surgery day, and I am happy to say that I was able to get everything done on last week’s list. In addition, I had a separate “household” list that I needed to get done, and I will be finishing the final two items on it tonight – retexturing a couple spots on walls that I repaired and packing my bag for the hospital.
1. Finish Tunic & Legging Capsule Wardrobe & Take Pictures
I am happy to say that I am finished making Mama Bear Joggers, Peg Legs, Sweet Tees, Maggie Tunics, the Reagan Raglan, and a tunic pattern I can’t mention because its not released and out of testing yet. I don’t have pictures of all the different combinations like I originally planned because I ran out of time. The fabric choices I made were deliberate in that multiple tunics can be worn with multiple leggings, etc. It is a very versatile wardrobe, and I am looking forward to getting pictures of the combinations as I wear them.
The last combination I made used this lovely yellow floral double brushed poly and black double brushed poly from Knitpop. The coordinating mustard double brushed poly is from Peek-A-Boo Fabric Shop. I am not normally a yellow/mustard loving person, but for some reason, I absolutely love this! The top pictured with the coordinating side panels is the new un-released tunic. It is an amazing pattern!
2. Finish Top & Tunic Testing and Write Review Post
Testing is finished, and I am submitting my final images tonight. I have also written the pattern review post, but I am waiting for an announced release date to schedule it for publishing. It is another easy sew, and I cannot wait to share it!
3. Clean Up Sewing Stuff & Put Sewing Cabinet Away
DONE!!! I still have a couple more pairs of leggings and tunics I want to make, but it was time to put stuff away and get ready for surgery and recovery. Reagan’s 15th birthday was yesterday, and we had cake & ice cream Sunday with our family. It was perfect timing to get it all put away.
I am looking forward to getting my knee taken care of so I stop having issues with it, but I am definitely NOT looking forward to not being able to sew for an extended period of time!
My To Do List for this wee:!
1. Schedule Top & Tunic Testing review post
2. Relax and take care of my healing after surgery.
What are you working on this week?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
Pretty sewing! I hope your surgery and recovery goes well!
Thank you, Sharon! Surgery went well!
As usual, your shares are so pretty! I love your style! I hope you are recovering from surgery. Your “to do list” is wise – putting yourself on there! 🙂
Thank you so much! It’s taken me years to find my style, and even now it’s still pretty random. Healing and therapy are my number one priorities, so putting them on my list made sense. ?
I am so glad you were able to get all of the things finished before your surgery. I hope your surgery went well and you are having a good recovery!
Thank you! Surgery did go well, and so far recovery has been pretty uneventful. I finally had some energy today to dig into my embroidery and crochet stuff, so I’m hoping I won’t get too bored.