Welcome to To Do Tuesday hosted by Christine over at Stitch All the Things.
This is what my to-do list from September 13th looked like:
1. Capsule Wardrobe
2. TSNEM: August – Bodice Sloper (remeasure and adjust pattern accordingly)
3. TSNEM: September – Hat and Mask Making
4. Sunkissed Tee from Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop
5. Tymek’s Quilt Binding
It seems like just when I think things are going to calm down and I am going to have a lot of time to work on projects, life gets busy and I have to put projects off again. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of crazy, and I haven’t been able to get many projects done; however, some other, important shizz has been taken care of.
1. Capsule Wardrobe
I have come to the conclusion that this project is just going to go away until I find more motivation to work on it. Reagan loves the finished skirts, and she isn’t in a hurry to have any of the other items finished. I am going to take it off my list so I don’t stress about it anymore. I’m even going to put all the fabric away until I’m ready to work on it again.
2. TSNEM: August – Bodice Sloper
I re-measured Reagan, and I have re-drafted the flat pattern pieces, I just need to make the muslin now to make sure it fits. If it does, then I can make the dress she has been asking for (based on the picture below) and cross this project off my list!
3. TSNEM: September – Hat and Mask Making
I have no doubt that I won’t get this done before the month is over, and I am okay with that. I am taking the pressure off myself. However, I am still determined to learn this “something new”, so I have planned out what to make. I have narrowed it down to a Victorian or Medieval Riding Hat (similar to the ones below) for two reasons – the first is that I already have everything I need to make it, and it will work well with some of the LARP costume pieces I already have.
4. Sunkissed Tee from Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop
I am also taking this project off my list. It is most definitely Fall here now, and while I love the style of this shirt, I want to be working on making things I will wear now, not next Spring. I’m sure it will reappear in a few months.
5. Tymek’s Quilt Binding
Yay, a finished project! My mom made this quilt for my nephew, Tymek. He loves books and steam punk, so she combined the two into this quilt, and I think it is lovely! Mom had a local embroidery shop put his name and graduation year on one of the sets of books in the middle panel, a local lady did the spiral quilting for her, and then I sewed on the binding. I was really excited to be able to help her, and even more so to have had a hand in a gift for my nephew.
One thing that I did add to my list this week is another pattern test. The pattern doesn’t release until October 12th, so it is still quite a while until I can share it; however, it is FUN! The pattern calls for the use of very light, floaty semi-sheer fabric which is something I don’t have a lot of experience sewing with. I am thrilled with my first version of the pattern, and I absolutely cannot wait to show them all off! It is a perfect wardrobe piece for dressing up or down, which is just my style!
I am taking some stress off myself, and I am reducing what I want to get done each week to three items keeping in mind it is likely I won’t even get all three done.
My list for this week:
1. Finish Pattern Testing & Pictures
2. TSNEM: August – Bodice Sloper (remeasure and adjust pattern accordingly)
3. TSNEM: September – Hat and Mask making
What are you working on this week?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
It is so important to release ourselves from extra pressure when we can! Good for you for being able to identify those items you can set aside for now and get back to at a later time. It’s such a freeing feeling! The quilt is amazing. What a wonderful gift! Love the embroidered name and date on the book bindings… that is a brilliant addition! I can’t wait to see what pattern you are making. It sounds very intriguing!
What am I working on this week? Hmmmm…..me. And, continuing to organize and clean the office/sewing/craft/scrapbooking room. Attending two conferences back-to-back in central Oregon, but highest on my list……figuring out birthday cards/gifts/etc. for a 102 year old lady, TWO 18 year olds, two little kiddos who are hitting double digits, and one brand new grandson-in-law. Busy, happy times.
Yep, doing some organizing myself, too, actually.
I like your revised ‘take the pressure off’ list. I’ve had to do that several times myself, and am always glad for the freedom to do so. Those are cute hats, I hope you do get to that project, so I can see how you interpret that style.
I’ve started a new quit, that was not on my list! Flexibility, right!?
Flexibility is key! Looking forward to seeing your new creation!