Welcome to To Do Tuesday August 30 & September 6 hosted by Christine over at Stitch All the Things!
The past two weeks have been so crazy that I wasn’t able to even carve out enough time to write a TDT post last week, even though I did make quite a bit of progress. In addition to our normal work week, Todd and I are both working part-time second jobs. We have been dealing with some health issues with one of our kiddos. Reagan and I have been gearing up for the opening of The Little Mermaid. Long days and pure exhaustion left little time for anything extra beyond sleep.
This is what my list from two weeks ago (August 23) looked like:
1. Ariel’s Transformation Tail – The Final Version
2. Pattern Test: Capsule Wardrobe (finish capsule wardrobe)
3. TSNEM: August – Bodice Sloper (remeasure and adjust pattern accordingly)
4. Sunkissed Tee from Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop
In addition to all the “normal” craziness around here the past few weeks, Reagan did a 4-H Illustrated Talk at our County Fair, received Grand Champion, and was selected to compete at the Oregon State Fair. The last weekend of August, my parents, Reagan, and I all headed to Salem Saturday night. We spent Sunday morning wandering around the State Fair and watched her presentation Sunday afternoon. We made the 5+ hour trip home Sunday night after stopping for dinner with my sister in Gresham.
At our County Fair, Reagan’s presentation was held in what they call the “Log Cabin” building, which is probably 20′ x 20′ inside. On the other hand, at the Oregon State Fair, her presentation was held on a stage in a HUGE building, and she had to use a microphone. We don’t know the results of her presentation yet, but she did an amazing job, and I am very proud of her!
We found this awesome sewing machine cake, so I had to take a picture!
Pikachu and Henna
Reagan’s presentation – “The Life of Alexander Hamilton”
Since I finally had some time at home, and our peach tree is completely overloaded (several branches are dragging the ground, even after being braced up), I spent some time being a kitchen goddess this weekend 😉 . I made a batch of Peach Freezer Jam following a recipe I found on Pinterest. Part way through the process, our neighbor brought over a bounty from his garden, so I made another batch and added some Jalapeño peppers to it – YUM! I also made Sunflower Seed bread and fresh ricotta cheese. It was a very productive, but relaxing day!
The Little Mermaid opened this past Friday night, and the two weeks before opening night were filled with long rehearsals, late nights, tears, laughter, LOTS of last-minute fixes, and finally, an amazing show!
1-A. Ariel’s Sail Dress
Even though I finished and posted about this two weeks ago, I decided to post better pictures of the dress now that I have them.
I spent one night of dress rehearsal week running back and forth between the audience and back stage to take pictures of the show for the cast.
1-B. Ariel’s Transformation Tail
Reagan in position with her two “handlers” (a.k.a. harness hookers) before the transformation scene. These two, Collin and Maia, help Reagan get her tail all the way on, turn around into position, and they have the very important job of making sure the fly rigging is hooked to her harness properly. All three are Freshmen in High School, and they are all AMAZING!
We finally figured out how to make the tail so it comes off easily and looks like an old, dead skin (much like a snake shed) It is not very obvious in the picture, but the transformation tail is made from actual fishing net. Reagan also wears a “skirt”, adorned with fabric seaweed, similar to the Sail Dress.
This video is from the Saturday evening performance, and it is the “Ariel’s Transformation” scene where Reagan acts as Ariel’s body double. As you can see from the video, there is only a split second from when Ariel “disappears” to when she reappears mid-transformation, thus the need for the body double.
2. Pattern Test: Capsule Wardrobe (finish capsule wardrobe)
I was finally able to work on this capsule wardrobe a little bit yesterday, but I totally missed the mark on getting it done in time for the release. I feel horrible because I made that commitment and wasn’t able to follow through; however, the health issues that came up were sudden and absolutely had to take priority. I am planning on finishing this wardrobe this week.
Unfortunately, I didn’t make any progress on readjusting the bodice sloper for my August TSNEM or the Sunkissed Tee from Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop, but I am going to just keep plugging away at both of them this next week. I would love to get the bodice sloper knocked out and off my list because it feels like it is hanging over my head.
In addition to the Capsule Wardrobe, Bodice Sloper, and Sunkissed Tee, I am adding one more project to my list. My mom made a quilt for my nephew Tymek for his high school graduation, and it is back from the quilter’s shop and needs binding. I plan on getting the first side of the binding sewn on by machine tonight so that I can work on hand sewing the back side while I watch TV or something in the evenings.
My list for this week:
1. Capsule Wardrobe
2. TSNEM: August – Bodice Sloper (remeasure and adjust pattern accordingly)
3. Sunkissed Tee from Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop
4. Tymek’s Quilt Binding
What are you working on this week?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
Wow! I am impressed with your sewing skills! Such beautiful costumes! Your peach tress is definitely very generous! I hope and pray the health issues are resolved soon!
Take good care, Patricia
Thank you very much!
Luckily, since we have been harvesting peaches, the tree is now doing much better, and it’s branches are no longer dragging the ground!
Whoa… You’ve had quite a couple of weeks!! Hope the health issue gets better quickly. Congrats to Reagan for competing in the Oregon State Fair. That’s awesome!
Your costumes are amazing, and I love how the tail worked out. That’s an intense production, I’m impressed! I hope you have a less busy week!
It was a crazy couple weeks, for sure, and I have really enjoyed a nice, quieter pace this week!
Thank you – the costumes were tons of fun. The production is really intense, but it is so fun it doesn’t seem like work at all.
Wow! What a busy couple of weeks you have had! Congratulations to Reagan for presenting at the State Fair, I know that is a big thing since I also had kiddos in 4H. (and what a fun cake you found displayed!)
That is a lot of talent and work to pull of yet another play, the costumes look great!
Thank you, Sharon! Reagan really thrives at public speaking, and I hope she continues to love it.