When we were at our LARP event a couple weeks ago, I took some pictures of the foliage in the woods of the Blue Mountains; however, the weekend was mostly overcast, dark, and dreary, so a lot of them didn’t turn out well. I do have a few I snuck in during sun breaks that I really like, though.
I was even fortunate enough to get super close to a dragonfly, and he let me make a portrait of him. Indian Paintbrush and Wild Iris are blooming like crazy right now.
Mushrooms living off an old, dead tree. I love the way nature recycles.
I am sure I have seen mushrooms like this one before, but I don’t remember them catching my attention as much as these did.
I was really drawn to the vertical lines on the underside of this mushroom, and I love how it looks in black and white!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”