My parents have a nice-sized pond in their yard, and every Spring they take the time to clean it out and get it ready to run for the year. It’s a pretty easy process, it just takes a while.
The first thing we have to do is drain the pond and put the fish in a washtub. After that it’s simply a matter of cleaning out the twigs and leaves that made their way into the pond over the winter. It’s pretty easy, just kind of gross.
Pip decided she wanted to help this year, and she made several attempts to get the water-skeeters and floating cherry petals.
These fish started out as standard-sized goldfish. They are HUGE now! The white ones are at least 8″ long, and they ate well over the winter because they are FAT!
After we got all the leaves and twigs cleaned out, Mom and I sprayed down the rocks several times to get any excess garbage out, as well. I *may* have sprayed Dad intentionally, but I would never admit it. 😉
Harley showed up after her fundraiser just in time to put the fish back in after we re-filled the pond. I’m pretty sure they were thrilled to have clean, fresh water.
Hello, Spring!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”