Harley’s softball team had a double-header in Heppner last weekend which was great because that is where her dad’s family is from, and that is also where my oldest daughter, Emma, and her fiance, Jordan, live. Harley had quite the cheering section at the games – her Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt LynnDee, Dad & Amber, Emma & Jordan, and Reagan and I made the trip over, as well. Harley had an amazing set of games – she hit three doubles, several singles, walked once, and struck out once, and she had an amazing offensive day making several plays, as well.
To top off two already great games, Harley finished off her last at-bat of the second game with a HOME RUN! I am so excited for her – she had such an amazing set of games in front of her dad and his family. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day for her!
Swinging hard!
I so wish this picture was more in focus – look at that grin! She’s beautiful, blurry and dirty and all! High fives from Coach Paul!
Getting congratulated and mauled by the team!
My favorite part in all this – receiving her home run ball and a huge hug from her dad. Awesome!
Emma was videoing Harley’s hits on Snapchat, and she saved a couple from the home run. Check them out!
I love it! Great job, Harles!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”