A couple weeks ago, our County Chamber of Commerce held its annual awards banquet, and the company I work for always sponsors a table. Sponsoring a table entails decorating the table, providing a “gift” for each table setting (8), and if the sponsor chooses, raffling the centerpiece off to one of the guests sitting at the table.
This is the second year I have done the set-up and decorating for us, and I love doing it! Reagan went along this year to help me out, and she was fabulous! She took the time to Google interesting ways to fold napkins, and then she folded all the napkins for the place settings. They looked great!
The gift baskets we provided were either a glass mixing bowl or metal colander filled with local goods – pasta, sauce, bread, dipping oils, and garlic and I added a bottle of (somewhat) local wine and two glasses to each basket. Reagan arranged the baskets, and I wrapped them.
I think our table turned out beautifully, and I can’t wait to do it again next year! I am hoping Reagan has another day off school and can help me again!
One nice thing about attending was that I was able to sit at a table sponsored by a different business, and I won the centerpiece, which was a Yeti Cooler! I had heard about Yeti’s, but I didn’t know a whole lot about them. Now that I won it and have done some research, I am extremely excited!
Until next year, Union County Chamber Dinner!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”