I ran across the Moda Sampler Block Shuffle 2015 project at Bear Creek Quilting Company and decided it would be a fun project to try. I am still a bit behind on making/posting the blocks, but I do have all the pieces cut, I just need to sew the blocks together.
For this project, I am using the fabric Good Neighbors designed by Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts. The fabric is sold exclusively at Connecting Threads.
Block 16
I love the way the different striped fabric play off each other in Block 16, and I enjoyed putting this block together. I am noticing that my points are becoming much more accurate and lining up well, which makes me really happy!
Block 17
Block 17 is my favorite block from this project so far! I love the little bird and stars! I do wish I would have done the appliqué with the same navy blue thread I used on his eye, but hindsight . . . I may go back over it with dark thread and a straight stitch, I haven’t decided yet. For this block, I used my window to trace the appliqué patterns to the fabric, and after I cut the shapes out, I used spray adhesive to set them in place. This is the first time I’ve used a zig-zag appliqué stitch – I usually use a straight stitch – and I actually really liked it. I can see that I definitely need more practice, but I’m looking forward to it!
Block 18
I had a hard time getting my four blue squares to line up properly in Block 18 – I kept sewing them in the wrong direction so they were at the wrong angle – the bottom right block kept turing out rotated 90˚! I was really tired when I sewed this block. Again, I am excited to see my points lining up so well!
With the business of the holidays and play rehearsals, I got behind on the weekly blocks. Sunday I spent quite a bit of time cutting the pieces for all the blocks I still have to sew so that I can just whip them out when I get a chance. I have them stacked and stored in a ziplock baggie on my little sewing table.
I really like how all the blocks are looking together, and I can’t wait to see it finished.
I am having one issue, though – I sew each seam at the same seam allowance, but I am having trouble with block size consistency. I have some blocks that are ending up much smaller than 6″, and some that are right on size.
Do you have any suggestions?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”