I ran across the Moda Sampler Block Shuffle 2015 project yesterday at Bear Creek Quilting Company. The first three block patterns were released last week, and blocks 4, 5, 6 were released yesterday. I am working with two charm packs from the same fabric line, and I have never worked with quilt pieces on such a small scale. I sewed the first three blocks last night with the intention of sewing the next three tonight, and then every Monday through the rest of the project I will make the remaining blocks.
For this project, I am using the fabric Good Neighbors designed by Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts. The fabric is sold exclusively at Connecting Threads.
Block 1
I took the pictures of this block before I squared it up, so the edges in the pictures are jagged, but I have since cleaned it up and it looks much better. I have worked with half square triangles on a much larger scale before, so that technique was not new to me, just the small size.
Block 2
I didn’t follow the tutorial for building any of these blocks, and I am sure I put this one together in a weird order, but since I am still learning, I am okay with that. This block was pretty straightforward and easy to put together, and I feel like it turned out really well, and there is only one little flub – the upper left corner doesn’t quite meet the inner corner of the same fabric. I am okay with that. If I have time, I may take it apart and fix it, but I am not going to stress over it.
Block 3
This block was the biggest challenge for me because I have never sewn corner triangles before, so I had to learn how to make them. Once I got the first one completed, the rest were a snap! Instead of using a print for the background on each block, I am using a basic natural-colored cotton I had in my stash, as well.
I can’t wait to sew up blocks 4, 5, & 6 tonight!
So far, this has been a fun project, and I have enjoyed learning new techniques for making different shapes in quilt blocks. I am excited to have this project to work on throughout the winter.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
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