The pantry was a pretty straight-forward remodel, just like the kids’ rooms. We gutted it, patched holes in the sheet rock, painted, repositioned shelving, and added the new flooring.
The one major, awesome, there’s nothing like it change we made was to add lighting. We had originally planned on lighting the pantry with can lighting from above, but our pantry is somewhat small. With overhead lighting, the shelves would not be illuminated very well, and I couldn’t figure out how to make the lighting different.
Then, I stumbled across some LED strip lighting on one of the thousand trips I made to the hardware store during the remodel, and voila!
The first order of business was to patch and paint the walls. Pip felt compelled to keep me company whenever I was in the pantry working, and I have no idea why. She looks so small in this picture!
Todd’s brother, Troy, used an existing electrical box to install a light switch for the LED lighting, and he installed an outlet on the same line, just inside the pantry to plug the lights into.
Harley and I used my dad’s shop to cut all the shelf supports we needed – with close supervision. I think Dad was worried about me using his table saw. He is the originator of the Betts Gene, after all.
Painted and shelf supports installed (their positions have actually changed now) before and after lighting installed. I ended up needing 2-1/2 strips of lighting, and I ran it just inside the pantry around the door frame starting at the bottom on one side, up and over the top, and down the other side.
Terrance and his friend, Kevin, installed the baseboard trim in it, and then it was done!
We just bought a HUGE amount of groceries, and I am very happy to say that they all fit amazingly well!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”