The People of Division’s Bridge


Since Division’s Bridge is a centrally-located town, it serves as a hub of trade and society, and people from all over gather here to fulfill their needs.  Occasionally, more nefarious characters show up, but most of the townsfolk are honest, hard-working people. 

IMG_0746 IMG_0741 IMG_0739 IMG_0728 IMG_0724 IMG_0722 IMG_0721 IMG_0720 IMG_0713  IMG_0694 IMG_0667 IMG_0665IMG_0698 IMG_0661IMG_0666 IMG_0659 IMG_0627IMG_0650 IMG_0648 IMG_0644 IMG_0634  IMG_0625 11412280_1658619904367604_2232034117766110495_n 11406927_10206772878781616_8806276150113842551_n 11393191_10206772881861693_1227693364478717918_n 11390185_10206772879501634_209935747646726803_n11393034_1658620324367562_8575318035018339785_n 11393081_1658620087700919_3508742861379813112_n 10904636_509512435865041_6703274005051983064_o

These four guys here?  They pretty much kick butt.  They are our Game Masters, and all the adventures and storylines we follow are their doing.  They work really hard to put on two events a year, and they are awesome!
