That, even as self conscious as I tend to be, I am really looking forward to my adventure as a wood elf!
Hail storms, while exciting, are a force of nature that should definitely be respected, and hail that size is extremely painful!
I am most definitely NOT good at cooking tri-tip on the grill (sorry to all my fellow red meat eaters), and I will gladly hand the reins over to someone else.
A coat of pretty polish can cover up even the ugliest of injured toenails and make you feel so good!
Cove really does have the prettiest sunsets I’ve ever seen!
When you have unruly curls that won’t behave, a ponytail is your best friend!
Most of all I continue to learn to take a breath, drink the wine, and enjoy the world.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”