Better Late Than Never

This weekend I have been at a scrapbooking retreat, and I finally started working on Emma’s high school scrapbooks.  Never mind that she graduates in two months. 😉  These retreats are fantastic for producing work, and I was able to complete her Freshman year and get started on her Sophomore year!  I can’t wait until Fall when I get to work on them again (and start Harley’s so I’m not behind the 8-ball with hers).

These are all the pictures I have of her first two years of high school.  Thank goodness for Costco and their inexpensive photo processing!Scrapbooking-20130406D


No scrapbook retreat would be complete without yummy beverages!Scrapbooking-20130406B

Visible progress is always great!Scrapbooking-20130406C

I can’t believe she’s nearly done!