This weekend I have been at a scrapbooking retreat, and I finally started working on Emma’s high school scrapbooks. Never mind that she graduates in two months. 😉 These retreats are fantastic for producing work, and I was able to complete her Freshman year and get started on her Sophomore year! I can’t wait until Fall when I get to work on them again (and start Harley’s so I’m not behind the 8-ball with hers).
These are all the pictures I have of her first two years of high school. Thank goodness for Costco and their inexpensive photo processing!
No scrapbook retreat would be complete without yummy beverages!
Visible progress is always great!
I can’t believe she’s nearly done!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”