Christmas morning at our house always includes three things: 1. Orange Rolls and Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, 2. Reagan playing Santa Claus, and 3. Lots of laughing. This year wasn’t any different except Todd and Terrance joined us. Amazingly enough, the kids all stayed in bed until nearly 9, even though they had been awake for quite some time.
I’m pretty sure she loves it!
Now Todd can find all the balls he hits into the water. LOL
Reagan got my dad some beer, and was all giggles when he was opening his gift!
Not only did Harley get the “baller” socks she wanted, she got two pairs, and one was even OSU! She’s a happy girl!
Emma got a new camera to document all her adventures as a Senior and once she moves away from home next year.
Mom got a nice new step stool so she can reach all those high places in the kitchen.
The best gift of the day was this blanket that Harley and Emma made for my mom. They thought of the idea and executed it all on their own, and they could not wait for Nana to open it! The two of them have the biggest, most loving hearts, and I was sure they were going to make their Nana cry. I am so so so very proud of the two of them and their wonderful hearts. To everyone’s surprise, Nana didn’t cry; however, she admitted later that she was working really hard to hold the tears back. 🙂
Our Christmas was small, laid back, and wonderful. I don’t think any one of us would change a single thing from the day.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”