When Harley was younger, she took tap and ballet lessons, but unfortunately, we moved from Hermiston to Irrigon and it was too hard to get her back and forth to lessons, so she had to quit. She had the opportunity to start dancing again once we moved here, and she joined a hip-hop class with Dance Arts in La Grande.
Through Harley’s dance classes, I have watched her bloom and grow faster than I ever thought possible. She has always been outgoing and socially involved, but through dance, she has flourished!
The first dance her group performed was to the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. I’m not sure why I only have the two pictures of this dance; I’m guessing I was too interested in watching ( 🙂 ).
The group’s second number was to No Haters (I couldn’t find a link to that song), and it was definitely my more favorite of the two.
I loved watching my girl do her thing and express herself this way. I haven’t seen her this exuberant and happy in a very long time, and it makes my heart melt!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”