One of the things Reagan started doing since we moved to Cove is participating in the Union County Children’s Choir. They practice every Monday for a little over an hour, and they have several performances throughout the year. The final activity for the UCCC this year was to host and participate in the Eastern Oregon Regional Children’s Choir Festival at Eastern Oregon University.
The Festival included children’s choirs from Joseph, Pendleton, North Powder, Boardman, and La Grande (Over 120 2nd-6th grade students!!!). The choirs started rehearsing as a large group this morning at 11:00, and were ready to give their performance at 6:00 this evening. Each of the smaller choirs performed a couple of songs from their catalogue, and the finale was the mass choir concert where all the groups performed two songs together. I was amazed at the amount of work they accomplished in such a short period of time. The festival was conducted by J. Michael Frasier, the husband of one of my favorite people and adopted sister, Martha Frasier. The individual choirs did a fantastic job, but the performance was AMAZING! Kudos to each of the individual programs, their directors, accompanists, and to the faculty, staff, and volunteers of EOU and ArtsEast!
I was really lucky with Reagan’s position for both the UCCC performance and the group performance. She was in nearly the exact same spot both times, right in front, nobody blocking her, and I had a perfect view! Even better, my friend’s Justin & Jamie’s daughter, Jessica was right next to her!
Reagan was really excited for today because she got to miss school, but even more so because her dad, Scott, was able to make it over to watch her performance. She was nearly beside herself, dancing out of her britches with excitement!
Good job tonight, Baby Girl! I am so proud of you – you have worked very hard all year and have grown so much! You are amazing!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”