The most recent assignment for the Design I class I’m taking was to map something that is not normally mapped. I had a really hard time trying to figure out what to map, and then I remembered that I am full of “Awesome Sauce” and received it as a really cool Valentine’s Day Gift.
So, to start with, this is the Valentine’s gift I received. My friend used five Lindt Chocolate Bars to create the box, and then made the bottle of Awesome Sauce to fit inside it. It is quite possibly the coolest Valentine’s gift I’ve ever received.
When I decided to map Awesome Sauce, I had to decide what ingredients it would include. I tried to think of words that describe me, or things that are important to me. After figuring that out, I had to figure out how to create the map. I decided to make it more like a recipe cooking and have the ingredients be listed as part of the steam/flames.
When I first painted it, I didn’t yet have handles on the cauldron, and the words weren’t on the steam yet. When it was flipped upside down, it looked like a jellyfish!
So today, I painted my “map”, and at first I wasn’t sure how well I liked it. Now that I’ve been able to step away for a while and review it, I really really like it!
I am not a painter at all. I prefer the hands-on, 3D-type arts like ceramics and sculpture. I am going to brag a little because I am so amazed at myself (I know, I sound cocky, but I don’t mean to). Since my right arm is broken and is pretty unusable, I’ve been having to use my left hand to do everything. BRAGGING – I painted this whole thing with my left hand!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”