After Harley’s dance class last weekend, I wrote a post about the “foot underwear” I had to order for her. I was astonished that a piece of dance foot-wear was called foot-undiez. Well, they arrived today, and by golly, they look just like miniature tightie-whities!
The funniest thing to me about this whole process, up until today, was that name of them, but today, when I received the package in the mail, I burst out laughing.
I have been expecting a textbook I ordered off Amazon, so when I picked up the mail today and received this flat-rate box (the $10 size), I didn’t think anything of it except that it didn’t weigh much.
I was surprised, though, when I opened it, and this tiny little box was the only thing in it. What a joke, and a huge waste of resources!
The actual product box was no more than 3″x3″, and was just floating around inside the big box. Obviously it isn’t fragile at all, and doesn’t require careful packaging, but still . . .
I have to say that I have gotten ore than my fair share of giggles and laughs out of the footUndeez!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”