Since today was Sunday, it wasn’t technically a “snow day” meaning a reprieve from going to school, but it was a great day of snow and no planned activities for the girls and I. I had already planned on taking them sledding today, but the added snow just made it all that much better!

I took the girls up to Anthony Lakes to go sledding for two reasons: 1. I knew we’d have great snow. 2. I wanted to show Harley and Reagan what the ski area looked like with snow since they start snowboarding next Friday.

The girls slept in, and we got a late start, but it all worked in our favor because the skies were clear and beautiful. It was only 14 degrees, but it didn’t feel that cold. The girls were climbing the huge banks on the sides of the road and sledding down them. Emma & Reagan made it to the top, but Harley couldn’t quite make it all the way to the top.
Emma apparently isn’t a good judge of size. She didn’t want me to take a picture of her sledding down the road, so she covered her face with a saucer. Peek-a-Boo!
So proud of all three of my girls. They are so beautiful!
Reagan kicking hill-butt and taking names!
I really love that I got a picture of me with each of my girls! I am a very lucky mom!
This picture was a complete accident. I had just taken the picture of Reagan and me and turned around and took this one of her. I love it, it is just “her”, but I can’t decide if I like the color or black & white one better.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”