Most people who live around here know about Anthony Lakes Ski Area. It is the local ski area, and it is about 20 miles outside of North Powder, Oregon. When I was in high school, I started skiing, and I quickly fell in love with it. I would spend one, if not both, weekend days on the mountain. Sometimes I went with friends, and sometimes I would go with the “Old Dudes” (my dad and his friend, Dick).

I kept up with skiing through college, and even a little bit after Emma was born. The last time I went skiing, though, Emma, who is now 17, was only 2-year-old. I do still have my skis and boots, but I know my boots don’t fit, so I haven’t gone skiing since. Another reason I haven’t gone skiing is because of my “iffy” knees. I just don’t trust them to withstand the pressure skiing would put on them.
Anthony Lakes has a fantastic program they run through several local schools. Through Cove School, they offer two three-week sessions where the kids get their rental equipment, lift ticket, and a lesson for a discounted price. Harley and Reagan signed up to learn how to snowboard, and today was their first day. Some of the other schools provide bus transportation to ALSA, but Cove does not, so we drive up on our own.
I decided that since I didn’t feel comfortable skiing anymore that I would sign up for lessons and learn right along with them. We had an absolute blast! Both girls figured out how to ride their boards pretty easily – it’s just the stopping they’re not quite used to yet. After our lessons were over, we spent a few more hours playing and practicing what we learned.
Reagan was in a different lesson group than Harley and I, so I didn’t get very many pictures of her during lessons. She seemed to have a hard time keeping her hat on straight, but she was always full of smiles and laughing whenever I ran across her.
Harley had a great time, too! She has fantastic balance, and once standing up on her board, she was able to maneuver really well! I kept hearing her laugh and laugh at herself showing off her “Ninja Gymnastics” when she fell.
And Mom? How did she do? Well, contrary to popular belief, she did not injure herself in some fantastically clumsy move, rather, she had a GREAT time! I have never been able to skateboard, and I was amazed at how well I was able to stand on a snowboard. I am not going to fib and say I didn’t fall very much – I fell A LOT, but I was able to get back up and keep going which is more than I could say for the first time I went skiing.
More random pictures from the day:

All three of us had such a good time today, and none of us can wait until next week when we get to to again!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”