When I started writing this blog, I didn’t think very much about each individual post as part of a whole, rather, I used each post to document an event or to get thoughts out of my head and onto paper. My blog has evolved into a multi-faceted thing – a “being” almost. I don’t post just pictures like I started with, but I also don’t just post stories or thoughts without images very often. I still use it to document the important events in our lives from sports contests to funny anecdotes to using it to sort through my own thoughts and feelings.

Sunday when I published the As I Age post, WordPress notified me that it was my 999th post, and I only had one more to go to reach the magical “1,000” mark. So what does that mean, other than I have actually clicked the “publish” button 999 times? It means there are 999 stories, pictures, and ramblings that I have shared with the world. It means that as I write this post, I have sat down and expressed myself 1,000 times in the past 5 years – either using images and picture stories, or through writing.
It means that I have been able to successfully utilize this blog as an outlet for over five years now.
This past year, I participated in the Post-A-Day 2011 Project. I got started in the project a little late into the year, and for the most part, I did pretty well posting daily until Summer. Publishing posts became more sporadic at that point, but I was still publishing pretty regularly. Once school started this fall, my posting regularity took a huge backseat to everything else, and I barely managed to post once a week. I don’t mind so much that I didn’t “successfully” post each and every day this year because life happens; however, I do wish I would have taken more time to at least finish a few of the umpteen “draft” posts I started.
I haven’t looked, but I don’t believe the Post-A-Day project is being formally organized for the 2012 year, but I have my own little post-a-day goal. My goal is to publish at least a picture or quote daily, if not a longer, detailed post. Whether I am successful or not will not be determined by the number of published posts I have at the end of the year, rather, I am basing my success on whether or not I grow as a writer, photographer, and story-teller. If you have any ideas or suggestions for topics you would like to see me write about, leave them in the comments and I will do my best.
So there you have it – my 1,000th published post. It’s a pretty big milestone, but it is nothing compared to what I will accomplish this next year – on and off my blog.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”