My friend, Crindalyn, and I are very much alike. I was teasing her the other day about something and realized it was something I do all the time, too. Because of that, I’ve started referring to us as Pot and Kettle.
We like a lot of the same kinds of music and movies. Crindalyn and I both like camping and being outdoors, and we both really love photography. There aren’t a whole lot of things that one of us likes that the other doesn’t, actually.
One huge difference between us is that she is an Apple/Mac product user, and I like PC/Androids. I found this picture the other day and thought it was pretty funny. It fits us to a “t”.
So, Kettle, I hope you’re having a great night. Talk to you soon! Pot

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”