When I was younger, I attended two high schools. I went to La Grande High School for 2-1/2 years and Cove High School for 1 year. Technically, I was enrolled at La Grande for the full three years, but I had such a hard time there, that I ditched most of the second half of my Junior Year. Life, for me, was much much better once I transferred to Cove.
That being said, this summer marks the 20th year since I graduated from high school (Am I really that old? Seriously?). This past weekend, La Grande’s Class of 1991 held their 20-year Reunion. My friend, Crindalyn, came down and stayed in Cove with the girls and me, and we had an absolute blast seeing everyone.
I had heard different tales of how the cliques would still be there, and so would all the old rivalries. I was so very happy to find the opposite of that true for our class. We all inter-mingled, talked, laughed, and had a fantastic time! A new phrase was invented this weekend, “You got Booned!”, but I’m not going to take the time to explain it yet. I’ll write about it in a post later this week.
For now, I’ll just show you some of the people who were part of my life growing up. There were many many more than what I’m posting, obviously, but these were the ones who I had the closest relationships with.
In this first picture, there are two guys missing who were part of this group of us from Riveria (except Dave, he went to Central, I think). Jim couldn’t make the reunion, and Jeff had already gone home. In the picture are Jamie, me, Dean, and David.
Instead of taking one HUGE group picture, this year, we took pictures based on which elementary school we went to. Like High School, I went to two different elementary schools, but I’m only including one in this post. This was the crew from Ackerman. Dave, Tasha, Chad, and me.
The boys again: Dave, Rob, Jamie, and Dean
This is probably my favorite picture from the whole evening! Crindalyn and I have been friends for at least 25 years, and our friendship has stayed steady the entire time. It has weathered many storms, heartbreaks, and accomplishments. We can not see one another for a large span – months – and pick up right where we left off when we do see each other. That is a relationship trait that is hard to find, and I am blessed to have found it.
I am going to try to post more pictures later in the week, but for now, this will work. I will definitely be posting the story behind “being Booned!”

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”