Post-A-Day 2011: Find the Nearest Window . . .
Find the nearest window. Look outside. What is the most interesting thing you see? What is the least interesting thing?
This is the view to the west out one of the dining room window at my parents house in Cove. I took this picture tonight with my phone just as the sun was beginning to set.
The view as a whole includes the pond, pergola, and swing. Behind the pergola is the grass, and barely visible above the pergola is the roof of the garden shed. My parents’ yard is a maze of different adventures, ecosystems, and fun little “secret” benches hidden in and among the landscaping. My girls love hanging out in the yard, playing with snails, tadpoles, frogs, and fish in the pond; finding different birds nests; and using their imaginations to have all sorts of adventures.
To me, the most interesting thing I see when I look out the window is my parents’ yard as a whole. They have lived in their house for 10 years, and they transformed the landscaping from bare dirt, mud, and pasture grass to the beautiful scene it is now. They did all the work themselves; including building the furniture, pergola, and garden shed. They thought out their yard and planned it in a way to make themselves happy, but as a bonus, it has become a favorite place to visit for all of their grandkids.
I don’t see anything I would say isn’t interesting or is “least” interesting. It’s just too cool.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”