Harley and her friend, Brenna, skipped the Sixth Grade Field Trip this week because the activities of the field trip were ones they have both done before (Multnomah Falls, Bonneville Dam, Columbia River Discovery Center, etc.). Instead, I took them to my parents’ house, where my mom had some educational activities planned for them.
It was the best decision I could have ever made. They (and my mom and me) had a FABULOUS time!
I am just going to list the stuff they were able to do because writing about each one would take too long. One thing that we did was have them keep notebooks with them so they could write about the activities they were learning about and participating in. With the pictures I took, they will have nice little reports to turn in to their teacher.
The Trickle Creek Corner Customized Sixth Grade Field Trip:
- Nibley Settlement (Oregon Trail Settlement)
- The settlement remains have been destroyed by time and the elements, but a historical marker explains it.
- The Polygamist Mormon House (two front doors, separate living quarters, shared kitchen & dining)
- This stop was particularly interesting to the girls. They understand what polygamy is, but I don’t think they thought it was common in our area at all.
- Union County Art and Cultural Center
- The old La Grande City Library has been converted into an art and cultural center. We walked there and visited their current exhibit titled, “For the Birds”. Every piece in the show had to have something to do with birds. It really was incredible, and we all came away with a personal favorite or two.
- The Potter’s House
- Probably my favorite stop. The Potter’s House is owned by the former La Grande High School Art teacher. He has his workroom and kiln at the back of the shop. The girls were able to watch him throw some pots, and he gave them a complete lesson in clay, how items are made, how firing the pieces in the kiln changes the clay’s chemical composition, and why pottery requires glaze.
- Painting Yard Turtles
- My parents have two turtles, Trudge and Tulip, that sit near their stream every year, but the were in dire need of a fresh paint job, so the girls gussied them up.
- Sewing Dresses
- While technically not an activity they might have done at school, the sewing project teaches math, reading, and patience . . . lots of patience (especially for Mom & Nana). Plus, they have super cute dresses to wear to school now.
- Hot Lake Springs
- Definitely our favorite visit of the two days!
- The girls were given a tour of the artists’ galleries, the showroom, and they were even able to visit the steam room / bath house.
- The owners of Hot Lake Springs, the Manuels, have an extensive collection of Indian artifacts, war memorabilia, and items unique to the history of our country. The girls were given a complimentary guided tour (usually, it’s VERY expensive) of the collection. It was an incredible experience, and my mom and I were in awe the entire time.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”