As mothers, we often say that the best thing we can ever give our kids is our time. The theory applies the same in reverse. The best gift kids can give their mother on Mother’s Day? Their time. Without arguing, huffing, eye-rolling, or sulking. I received that and more today.
First thing this morning, my darling middle child, Harley, set her alarm for 6:00 a.m., got up, and cooked breakfast all by herself. After cooking me breakfast, she used a cardboard box lid as a serving tray and served me breakfast in bed. My breakfast included scrambled eggs, toast, fresh-brewed iced tea, a card, and even a chocolate syrup smiley face. Not only did she make my breakfast, she also cleaned up the entire mess, and after I finished eating, we snuggled up in bed together and went back to sleep for a couple more hours.
Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I had to cancel a senior photo shoot Friday. The boy is in somewhat of a time crunch, so we met up this morning and got his pictures taken care of.
After I got home, the girls and I got ready for a day together. We packed a picnic lunch – peanut butter and jelly for me, peanut butter for Emma, and peanut butter and marshmallow cream (icky) for Harley and Reagan. We threw in a bag of chips for each of us and headed out into our day.
My girls, who have their pictures taken so often and complain about it so much, let me take their pictures. No complaints, no groaning, no eye-rolling. The time they spent with me today doing what they thought I would want the most, working so hard to make my Mother’s Day the best ever, was the absolutely best gift I could have received. I have had some pretty rough days in the past month, and the joy and love I experienced today just took all those bad days and threw them in the garbage!
My girls are seriously the BEST reasons ever to celebrate Mother’s Day.
My Gorgeous Girls

And a couple out-takes. In the first one, Emma & Reagan had no clue Harley had whipped out the “rabbit ears”, which I think is hilarious! In the second one, they all decided to pull a fast one on Mom and all make funny faces. I just told them my payback would be posting it. 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”