After working really hard all day yesterday on the girls’ rooms and getting them ready for our house to go on the market, today was my turn.
My mom ran into town and got us a great breakfast from Starbucks, and she got herself a coffee.
We started on my closet, sorting clothes for a yardsale, organizing, and rearranging. Then we moved on to my bedroom. Clutter is gone, carpets are shampooed, furniture is dusted, and my room is SPOTLESS! It hasn’t been this clean since we moved in (kind of sad, actually). I love it!
So now, the only rooms that I have left to get ready are the kitchen, great room, and dining room.
I am ready for this project to be done, for our house to be on the market, and (hopefully) for it to sell quickly so I can move on with my life.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”