Post-A-Day 2011: You’ve now completed 33% of the challenge! Share your top 3 posts.
I joined the Post-A-Day 2011 Project a little late in the game – I didn’t start posting until February 10. In that time, I have written 78 posts specifically for the Post-A-Day Project, and I have written 116 posts over all in that time. Some of the posts are just a picture or two, but they are still a snapshot into my life.
The numbers for my top three posts are kind of skewed because while each post does have specific views, my blog home-page has views as well. So, looking at the numbers it’s a little difficult to know exactly which posts have the highest number of visits.
Since I began the project, the homepage of my blog has received 707 visits, and my top referring site is Facebook.
Post #1 – 34 Views “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”
This post gave a little history of St. Patrick and the St. Patrick’s Day tradition and history.
Post #2 – 32 Views “Easter Recapped”
Our Easter Holiday and adventures.
Post #3 – 29 Views “Something To Believe In”
This post prompt was to write about something you used to believe in, and why you no longer do
It is weird to see which posts have the most views because to me, they are not necessarily the most interesting. I like looking back at my site stats, though, and seeing what people are reading.
Thank you for sticking with me and reading my blog!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”