Big Horn Sheep

During Spring Break, I had to go to Portland for a day. I have seen the big-horn sheep in the Columbia River Gorge almost every time I’ve been to Portland in the past several years; however, I had never seen them this close to the road. I was able to pull over and take a couple of quick pictures with my standard lens (not a zoom) before moving on my merry way home again. They are spectacular!
Sharp Shin Hawk

Last week I spent a couple of days at my parents’ house in Cove while I got my books for the term, and I attended a committee meeting for an event I’m helping to plan. This hawk was in one of the shrubs in my parents’ yard Monday afternoon. I had never seen one close enough to get a really good look at it until then.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”