Easter morning, we woke up to discover the Easter Bunny had hidden 48 eggs!!! All four girls had a great time, and they actually managed to find every single one of the eggs that were hidden.
After opening their baskets and getting cleaned up, Emma, Harley, Reagan, and I went to my sister’s house in Hermiston for the day and Easter dinner. We had a great time! Harley and Reagan played and played and played with the boys, and Emma became a hero and snuggle-bug for her cousin Kayleigh. Kayleigh was in and out of Emma’s lap constantly. It was really sweet.
The four “little” kids had an egg hunt in the front yard that was hilarious – they ran around like four little whirling dirvishes finding their eggs. The six “big” kids had their egg hunt in the back yard, and their hunt included eggs with quarters in them, and a bonus egg with $5.00 in it. They looked and looked until Scotty finally gave them a time limit to find it or he was going to keep it. 🙂
Here’s a quick little slideshow from our day:
Emma originally wasn’t going to hunt for eggs until Scotty told her about the bonus egg, and wouldn’t you know, she found it!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”