Post-A-Day 2011: What was your favorite class when you were in high school or college? Was it your favorite class at the time you took it? Why or Why not
When I went to college right out of high school, I was studying Sports Medicine/Athletic Training. My favorite classes were tied to my major – I loved Anatomy & Physiology because I loved learning how the human body worked. I also really enjoyed my actual Internship classes – they were a blast! At the time, there was nothing better than hanging out in the training room working on the athletes. One of my absolute favorite classes, though was Bowling. I took it during Jan-Term; a short one-month long-term between semesters, and I had a blast! Several of us rode the bus from the school in North Spokane, to the bowling alley, and then we would frequently go on adventures after class, exploring the city.
That little stint in college didn’t last long – just a year and almost a half. I fell in love, got married and had a baby (Welcome to the world, Emma Kate!).
When I found myself needing to finish my education, I attended BMCC and earned an Associate’s Degree. I received an Administrative Office Specialist – Medical degree, and so, once again, I had to take Anatomy and Physiology. I still loved it. My favorite classes, though, were the computer-based classes. I loved learning different programs and how to use them.
Now that I am back in school (again), and I am taking classes to complete a Bachelor’s Degree, I still love school. So far this time, I loved the Geology class I took, and I somewhat enjoyed my Speech class. i have to say, that my favorites by far are the Photojournalism class I took last Winter Term, and the Project Management class I took this Winter Term. I loved learning about different types of photojournalism and the photo-story. Being able to “plan” real projects and get them organized was fantastic, and right up my alley. I love planning events and had a great time.
Next term, I am taking financial accounting. I am not looking forward to it, but it is a necessary evil. I am taking a weekend course in Bend called Selling the News, and I am really looking forward to that one. The final class I’m taking is argumentation. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but, it too is required for my major, so we shall see.
I am curious – what was your favorite class in college?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”