Post-A-Day 2011: What is the smallest thing near you? Write a paragraph about it.
They are so very small, but to me, they are so very very big. Not in size, but in importance.
I have a Canon DSLR that I use for photography; however, I carry a little point and shoot Canon with my all the time to capture video, snapshots of the girls, etc. It’s my “everyday” camera that is used to document our family. Inside my handy-dandy little Elph is a memory card. Stored on that memory card are just that – memories. A video of Reagan reading her birthday letter from my parents explaining one of her gifts. Pictures of Harley and Katelyn hanging out with friends. More pictures from out and about in our yard, travels, etc. You get the picture. Our memories. They are stored on those cards until I get a chance to download and back them up. The memory cards are tiny – less than 1″ square, but they are huge in their importance!
For me, and my family, size does not matter, as these tiny little black rectangles are more significant to us than many other things in this world.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”