Last Friday was my birthday, and the grils were very nice and let me sleep in. When I woke up, this “bouquet” of flowers was laying on the bed next to me. 🙂 Harley and Reagan had spent the evening the night before making it for me. What a great surprise!
My mom and dad go camping a lot in the summer, and they usually try to go where there’s water. My dad uses his float tube and fishes, and my mom has an inflatable kayak and paddles around. When we were at Jubilee Lake last summer with my parents, Emma LOVED paddling around in my mom’s kayak. So much so, that we gave her one for her birthday. I was pretty excited, too, because I figured that I would get a chance to use it from time to time, too.
All I asked for this year for my birthday was a trip to Enterprise & Union for the weekend to watch Emma’s basketball games, so when I woke up Friday morning and found a gift on the counter I was surprised. Aaron and the girls got me a kayak just like Emma’s. I am so excited!!! The great thing about this kayak is that it only needs 4″ of water to float, so even at the end of the summer when water levels are low, it will still work most places we go.
I can’t wait for summer now so I can get out and do some paddling/fishing/floating!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”