Crindalyn and Me

This picture is from 3-1/2 years ago right before Crindalyn moved away to Long Beach, Washington. We spent part of a day together before she left just hanging out and saying goodbye, and we used the remote on my camera to get some pictures of us together.
Crindalyn is a Digital Media Director for the East Oregonian Publishing Company, which means from time to time she has to travel to Pendleton for work. This week happens to be one of those weeks, and I am so excited! I have class in Pendleton Wednesday, so I am going to get to spend some much-needed time with her after class.
Our friendship has outlasted miles of distance, busy lives, crazy schedules, and multitudes of other obstacles. In high school, we were inseparable. It all started with her knee injury and needing someone to carry her books to class because she was on crutches. I can’t count the number of times we ditched school to go hang out at one of the other towns in the Grande Ronde Valley. There were many times we made curfew by the skin of our teeth, and only by sheer luck because we didn’t get a speeding ticket on the way home. “Cruising” the strip in La Grande in her mom’s turquoise metallic van when we were 15 (her mom in the back seat so we were legal). Once we were legal, driving the blue van and not being able to take a corner without hitting a curb. California Coolers (grin). Sneaking into college dances. Teaching her how to drive a stick shift – through a drive-through car wash of all places – BAD IDEA! Camping & swimming at Lake Owyhee. Piling 4 or 5 people in the front of my Ford Ranger to go play in the mountains. You name it, we did it.
We were inseperable – two peas in a pod!
We will laugh and we will talk. The best part about seeing each other is that it will be like no time has passed at all.
I {heart} her!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”