Emma raises pigs for 4-H.
My sister is a store manager for Wal-Mart in Kennewick.
Emma needs to feed her pigs.
Erika’s store had a WHOLE BUNCH of deer corn that became out-dated and they couldn’t sell it at the store anymore.
Emma will have to buy feed for her pigs.
Erika’s store agreed to sell the whole load to Emma for $1 per bag (they were originally $9 per bag).
Emma bought a WHOLE BUNCH of corn to feed her pigs from my sister’s Wal-Mart Store.
Friday, Emma, Erika, and I went to Kennewick to pick up the corn. We took our pick up, expecting to load one pallet and then put the remaining few bags in around the pallet.
Um, yeah, not so much.
There were five of us total (Erika, Emma, two Wal-Mart employees, and me), and it took us a little over 1/2 an hour to COMPLETELY FILL the back of our pick up. It was so full, we ended up having to put a bunch of bags in the front behind the driver’s seat.
Yesterday before Emma’s games, we met her dad at their house to unload it all. Jess, Emma, and I unloaded the whole pickup in about 25 minutes – way more quickly than I thought we would. It was hard, and my muscles are sore, but it was totally worth it!
There are going to be a couple of very yummy piggies come fair time!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”