38-years-ago today the pretty blonde lady in this picture became a mother – it just so happens it was to that super cute bald baby in the picture. This picture is from when we lived in Costa Rica.
38-years-ago today the clumsy, accident-prone handsome man in this picture became a father. This picture is from when we were getting ready to build our house.
I love celebrating my birthday, not just because it’s about me, but because by celebrating my birthday I also get to celebrate two of the greatest people I’ve ever had the privilege to know. I’m blessed because not only do I get to know them, I get to call them Mom and Dad. I know it’s cliche to say that your parents would do anything for you and that they are supportive of you no matter what, but with my parents, its not just that. I have talked before about how unique my upbringing was, and how I am only just now realizing how unique and lucky I was. They truly are the best parents and people I know. The best part about my parents is that even on my absolute worst day, they still celebrate me and my life and I love that about them! I talk to my mom EVERY SINGLE DAY. My dad double-checks with my mom about how I’m doing EVERY SINGLE DAY.
The best part of celebrating my birthday? Celebrating my parents!
Just for fun – some pictures from my childhood. 🙂
So, today, as I get to celebrate my birthday and the best parents in the world, I am content, happy, and blessed.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”