I have gained weight. It’s a fact of life – unfortunately, it’s not a fact I’m happy with. I am working on it, though, so it will get better. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think I’m fat, I’m just WAY out of shape with a few extra pounds. One drawback is that quite a few of my clothes don’t fit, and they are uncomfortable to wear. I have taken to combining different things, and closet shopping for clothes that do fit and look somewhat stylish.
I need to dress up today for the funeral for Emma’s basketball coach, Mark Dowdy. I bought this skirt three or four years ago – It was the only one left, but I liked it so much I bought it a size too big (thank goodness) and just pinned the waistband. I had the purple top from several years ago, as well. The jacket, though, I bought this last Fall for our family pictures. Surprisingly, the top and jacket went well together. For shoes, I just wore a pair of black pumps I’ve had for years, as well. I’ve never worn this together before, and I’m happy I put it together.
I made Aaron take pictures of me when we got home from the funeral:
It’s an outfit that made me feel good about myself even with the extra pounds. 🙂

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”