Reagan and Bailey had a project for school this week where they had to write a paper explaining how to make or do something. They wanted to write about baking a cake, so on Wednesday after school, that’s exactly what we did. The girls were great, stopped at each step and wrote it down, they did most of the work themselves, and they each made a nice little cake. Bailey made a round cake, and Reagan made a square one.
Unfortunately, I had to leave for my class, and Aaron & the girls were headed to the high school for a spaghetti feed, so the cakes didn’t get frosted before Bailey went home. When I got home from class that night, I frosted them and sent one to school for them to share with their teacher, Mrs. Rysdam, and the rest of their class. Bailey’s mom, Stormy, celebrated her birthday Tuesday, so Bailey wanted to give one of the cakes to her mom, so that is what we did with the second cake.
The girls and I had a great time, and it was fun teaching them how to use their kitchen tools like measuring cups, etc.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”