None of our girls have ever played soccer, and I was very happy about it. I have never been a fan of soccer, and I never thought I would be either. My sister played growing up, and I dreaded having to go watch her games. I never did get used to watching the game. Until now, that is. Reagan is playing soccer this year. When she first started, I was dreading the first game because I was remembering how much I hated it when I was younger. I don’t know if it’s because she’s my child and I’m watching her or not, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching my girl play soccer!
It is exciting to watch her be successful and excel at something – especially when its something none of the other girls have done before her. Soccer is the one thing that is hers and hers alone. I am so proud of how hard she has worked to learn something new, and I am proud of the “Soccer Mom” I’ve become! 🙂 Reagan is on a team with fantastic girls, including her cousins Bailey and Brooke, and they are exciting to watch, as well. Their team, the Shooting Stars, are undefeated at 9-0!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”