The Season’s Faire is an art show to raise money for the local art council in La Grande. They in-turn use the money to provide scholarships and youth art-education programs. Every year local artists are asked to contribute to the show and auction. The event is very special to me because I attended the first Arts for All funded by them (then called the Imagination Celebration) when I was about 5, and now I am showing to raise money for future Arts for All programs and scholarships. The pictures aren’t the best – I had them propped up on the spare bed at my parents’ house. 🙂
This is my donation piece – it will be auctioned off the opening night of the art show.
The next three will hang in the gallery for the month of November for a juried art show. They will be made available to the public for sale, as they are every year, but I’d be perfectly happy getting them back and having them in our house!
3 8×10 images framed together.
“Indian Moccasin Orchid”
3 5×7 images framed together.
“Mariposa (Butterfly) Lily”
8×10 in a 16×20 frame.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”