My parents took my entire family and my sister’s entire family to see the Broadway Across America production of The Lion King almost five years ago. At that time, Reagan was three and a half, and my nephew Konrad was four and a half. They really enjoyed the play – though Reagan cried when Mufasa died – but they weren’t old enough to really appreciate it.
So . . . fast forward five years. My parents took Reagan and Konrad to The Lion King all by themselves, and they thought it was a great treat! I sent my camera along with Reagan, and these are the pictures from their day.
Self portrait. A must when you have free reign to use a camera.
My dad. Not sure why he looks so grumpy. You might need sunglasses to ward off the glare from his forehead. 🙂
Reagan took this picture just for Aaron.
Konrad goofing off and drawing on the way home.
Konrad drew this picture all my himself. Awesome job, Konrad!
Reagan, Konrad, and my parents all had a great time. I am thrilled that Reagan will have such fun memories of her grandparents.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”