Emma and Reagan’s Room is finally completely done! My parents came over a week ago and installed the window seat and cushion, and as a surprise to the girls, zebra striped curtains and valances! They’ve been talking about having zebra striped curtains ever since they started talking about designing their room over two years ago. My mom had extra fabric and made them each a pillow for their beds, as well, and they are thrilled!
Reagan was very quick to arrange her new pillow from Nana on her bed, and she loves sitting in the window seat.
We spent quite a bit of time Sunday rearranging their stuff and reorganizing. Their room is very clean and they both *promised* me it would stay that way! I guess time will tell. 🙂

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”