It seems as though we have spent this Fall chasing Emma and the Heppner Mustang Volleyball team all over tim-buk-tu and back, and that she is the only one of our children involved in any activities. I know part of the reason for that is the difference in the level of intensity between her activies and the other girls’ – point blank; they’re activities are just a lot less involved that hers are.
However, all three of our little girls (who are not so little anymore) participated in the innogural season for the Columbia Youth Volleyball. It has been a six week program where they’ve spent time working on basic skills, playing games, and learning the game of volleyball. All three of the girls have absolutely loved it, and they can’t wait to play again next year!
Harley and Katelyn were on a competitive team, as well, and participate in a tournament last weekend in Stanfield and Echo. They won two games and lost two games, and they ended up with second place in the tournament. They did a great job!
We are so proud of them for being willing to try new things, even if they might not be the best at it. They don’t give up, they just buckle down and give it their all!
Oh yeah, and we want to thank Harley & Reagan’s Aunt Stormy for organizing this league, putting the practices together, and taking time out of her busy schedule to work with all these young Irrigon girls! Thank you, Stormy!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”